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Tigré is derived from the Spanish word for "tiger". Like the fleet-footed beast, the sons of Tigré are swift and silent. Armed with their AK47s, they roam the streets, striking fear in even the bravest of men. Loyalty runs deep in their blood; there is no such thing as quitting the pack. Members make a living from smuggling drugs and even when they get caught by local police, all it takes is money to get them off the hook - something the ferocious gang has no lack of.


Fleet-footed beasts,

Striking fear in the bravest of men.

Rachael / Evelyn / Zheng Yu

Fèroz Clan: Tigré

"​Howdy dearest freshies (freshmeat), my name is Rachael. I am the self-proclaimed law school ahlian. My favourite cartoon is Spongebob Squarepants and my goal in life is not to be the best damn lawyer there is, but to be just like Patrick Star. I like to wrap blankets around myself and pretend I'm a marshmellow. I really enjoy law school and I'm sure you will too!"

Rachael, Clan Head


"Hey freshies I’m Evelyn (or Evey as my two co-facis call me). I can be pretty shy at first but give me some time to get to know you better! I’m quite fussy when it comes to food and it drives my friends mad sometimes. Fun fact: I eat my noodles with a fork. Don’t judge. Can’t wait to see you guys at law camp! (:"


“Fun and easygoing, and always ready to make friends. People from all walks of life welcome! Can't wait to meet everyone and get to know y'all better!”

Zheng Yu

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